Peer to Peer Support - it's Time to Talk

When it comes to developing a healthy and successful professional team, communication is crucial. For true success to be ongoing, there is another element that is necessary beyond managerial delegation and office pep talks. Mental health is an integral part of our individual wellbeing and it must be recognised as part of who we are, both at home and at work.  

‘Time to Talk’   is all about embracing open conversations about mental health with those around us as part of the ‘Time to Change’ campaign. It seeks to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and it is a fantastic opportunity for you and your colleagues to connect in a way you never have before.  Evidence tells us that relationships are one of the key drivers of workplace wellbeing, so investing in developing them at a time when many of are still working remotely, is time well spent.

Here are 5 powerful reasons for your business to embrace 'Time to Talk' this year:  

  1. Peer-to-peer support. Anxiety and depression can trick us into feeling we are alone in our feelings. Open conversations can help us realise how many others are struggling with similar issues—including those we never would have expected. And research has shown that a supportive conversation with a non-professional can have comparable results from a conversation with a professional therapist. That’s the incredible power of peer support.

  2. Personal empowerment. The potential positive impact of a small conversation is undeniable in the war against mental health stigma. Realising that it’s okay to address mental health issues and the personal impact they have upon us can open a gateway to deeper connections and a more supportive work culture. This type of environment encourages authenticity and engagement, ultimately leading to higher levels of productivity.

  3. Network implementation. Having designated individuals who have taken the relevant training and continue to be supported in this role are able to offer support on an on-going basis. They become champions of this open culture, encouraging ongoing supportive conversations. The essence of ‘Time to Talk’ isn’t just for one day though. It’s the starting point. Companies need to work to establish a long-term culture where openness and support are consistent elements.

  4. Emotional intelligence (EI). Safe spaces to discuss mental health can help to develop the empathetic skills of employees. This refreshingly open-minded approach to the collective team will draw the team together while allowing a more generous view of individual capabilities. Studies have found that high EI is associated with lots of good things, including academic and occupational success, resistance to stress, and better relationships. And the good news is, we know that EI can be taught. Research has established that training in EI demonstrated a significant improvement in people’s ability to identify their feelings and the feelings of others, as well as to manage and control their emotions.

  5. Stigma breakdown. Toxic mythological concepts such as ‘men don’t show feelings…’ and ‘keep a stiff upper lip…’ force many people to suffer in silence unnecessarily. By developing an understanding that we all struggle with our mental health in varying capacities and regularity, healthier workplace cultures can start to emerge and develop.

As mentioned evidence shows that non-professional discussions and support groups provide incredibly positive results for individuals and teams. Beyond the science, we can all relate to how good it feels to realise we have commonality with another human being—especially within an environment we might not always feel liberated to share our truths.  

Time to Talk’ is an unmissable chance to set up the key support systems and positive workplace cultures that we all need in order to protect our mental health and wellbeing in both the short and long-term future. We all deserve to access the support we need for the issues we face, regardless of our personal situation or professional level.

So—what are you waiting for? It’s time to talk! 

For more information on how you can set up a peer-to-peer network in your organisation please get in touch -

Eileen Donnelly